
Your virtual drive thru.

Offer your customers a simple, contactless kerbside pickup experience and your staff a simple and efficient way to manage takeout orders with PreDeem.

Access our complete ordering platform with simple pricing.

From 1£ per day

  • No hidden fees
  • Fast and reliable support
  • All features included

Building Community in a sustainable way

Building Local community, local marketing

We believe, stores will be visible to those living in their immediate surroundings with PreDeem. Employees will be able to discover them easily, and preorders will be served directly and cheaply. Customers can order cost effective from a restaurant from the corner. Personal contact is possible with the on site pick up option as well.

For environmentally friendly, more liveable city

Winning local customers is an important goal for any business, restaurant, floral or grocery. As local businesses thrive, locals will encounter vacant business premises. The area, the city becomes more liveable. On site collection or short distance delivery reduces home delivery costs and adverse environmental impacts.

Ready to get started?

Explore PreDeem features, or sign up your business and start accepting orders in 48 hours or less. You can also contact us to learn more.

Start your setup

Start accepting orders in 48 hours or less.

Simple and transparent pricing

Pay as you go pre-transaction pricing.